The current Webmaster will be retiring at the end of 2024, so we are looking for another volunteer to take over the maintenance of the website.
We are hosted by Zen Internet, which has been voted best web hosting and ISP for many years. We’ve been with them for 5 or 6 years, and the annual domain fee and monthly subscription fees are already established and handled by the treasurer. At a technical level, their support has been excellent – they are all based in the UK and are knowledgeable.
The only place where personal information is received, is via submissions of the Contact Us form, and our GDPR compliance rules are set out on our Data Protection & Retention page. No membership information is held on the website.
The website is basically information pages only, for TASA members and the public, with some downloadable flyers and booking forms. An important point here is that you only add to the website what other people have created. To this end documents are usually submitted to the webmaster in Word format, which the webmaster checks for the odd typo, and saves as pdf’s in the website media library, before referring to them on a web page.
Comments on the website are disabled.
There is no membership enrolment.
There is no online payment mechanism on the website.
Workwise, there are 2 types;
- A hive of activity about October, when the following year’s membership cards are produced with all of the following year’s planned lectures, events and visits are published. This requires;
- Archiving the current year’s Lecture Programme, TASA Events and Visits pages to the archive sub-folders (easy)
- Adding new pages for the following year (basically editing existing pages with the new info)
- Ad-hoc changes or additions throughout the year when new lectures, events, visits or amendments are detailed during the year. These are usually minor in nature.
All components of the website – theme & plug-ins – are set to be regularly updated automatically.